Monday, September 20, 2010

Make your own bullock game

To make your own bullock game you need
An A4 sheet of paper
A pencil
A black pen
Some coloured pencils
Look at one of your board games and copy the design of your board game on the paper. Know make squares in the paper. In the squares you can make pictures of grass and fields.
You need some counters and a dice.
How to play?
You need two players. Each player is called a bull. Now throw the dice. If the dice falls and the number is two then move two steps. The winner is the bull who has finished ploughing the land first.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Indus Valley Classes

With the homeschoolers we are doing a co-op class on Indus valley. We are making classes on Indus valley and when we have finished the classes then we are going on a trip to Gujarat. In Gujarat we will be visiting Lothal a port town of Indus valley.
This Indus valley project is made by Muriel Kakani and Idania Duncan.
Here is how our first Indus valley co-op class was.

We were going to make clay toys of Indus valley so I made a power point on it. I put lots of pictures of Indus valley clay toys in the power point. Then we were given some clay to make some clay toys.
Here are som of our creations.
Shrutkriti one small made something with toothpicks.

Idania Aunty made a toy cart.

My mother made a toy bullock cart.I also made a toy bullock cart.

Then each of us was given a folder in which there were some notebook pages to do. There was also some colouring pages and a crossword.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Program of Indus valley Project

With the homeschoolers we are doing a project on Indus valley. This project is made by Muriel Kakani and Idania Duncan.
Here is the program of the Indus valley project.

On 10 September we are making Indus valley clay toys.
On 24 September we are making clay beads, which we will use for making jewellary.
On 8 October we will be painting Indus valley clay pots.
On 22 October we will be making Indus valley seals.
On 12 November we will be making a Indus valley game.
On 19 November we will be making a model of a Indus valley street.
On 3 December we will be finishing our model of the Indus valley street.
On 17 December we will be digging artefacts.
On 7 January there will be preparation for the Museum day, which will be the preparation day.
On 8 January there will be the Museum day.
This the program of the Indus valley homeschooler classes.

Make your own plough

Things you need
A thick stick
Two toy bulls
Cut your stick in two parts. One part of the stick should be smaller. Now tie the two parts together like this.
Now your plough is ready. You can put it on two toy bulls. Like this it will look as if they are ploughing the land.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Buffalo Calf

Our Milkman’s buffalo gave birth to a calf so I and my mother went to see it.
On the way to the village where our Milkman stays I collected some grass for the buffalos.
At the house of the Milkman saw the calf. It was sitting. I gave one of the full grown buffalos little grass. Then the Milkman took the calf out. I played with it. It didn’t eat any grass because it is just twelve days old which is too small to eat grass.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The cloud forests

In the place where we stay there are cloud forests. But what is a cloud forest? A cloud forest is a forest that is always in clouds. They are dank and damp and are covered in clouds. A cloud forest is a perfect place for mushrooms, ferns, fungi, mosses and lichen. But where do cloud forests grow? They grow high up on tropical hills and mountains. The higher you are it the more cold it is.
We have forests like this in our place. Near our place there is a forest called Lingmala. It is a cloud forest. We often go there.

Cub in the Cupboard

Cub in the Cupboard is written by Lucy Daniels.
It is one of my favorite books of the series of Animal Ark.
Mandy and James her friend are the main characters. One day they discover a mother fox trapped in a trap. And the mother fox has given birth to cubs, but only one cub has survived. Mandy and James have to rescue the mother fox and take care of a cub.
And then they find another trap and some one’s dog was about to get trapped. Mandy and James are determined to find the person who is setting the traps. But will the friends succeed?
This is one of my favorite books and the story holds you like the jaws of a fox.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wolf brother

Wolf brother is written by Michelle Paver.
Wolf brother is one of my favorite series of books. Wolf brother is the first book in the series which is called Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. This series of books happens six thousand years ago after the Ice age.
Torak and his father have always stayed apart from the clans and then one day Torak’s father is killed by a bear who has a demon trapped inside him. Only Torak can destroy this demon bear but for that he has to go to the mountain of the World spirit. But this is a mountain which no one has ever found. Will Torak succeed in his task? And then he rescues a wolf cub whose parents have died in a flash flood. And then Torak discovers that he can talk to the wolf cub.
This is one of my favorite books. This is a really captivating book and the adventure grips you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The bulls in our place

In my place there are beautiful bulls. These bulls have red horns and are white. There are called Khilare. And guess what? These bulls horns are sometimes painted blue or yellow. They are used in the fields to plough the land.
Every year in July there is a festival called Pola festival. It is a festival to thank the bulls for ploughing the fields. It is monsoon so it is the time the bulls have to plough the fields. I and my mother went to this festival last year. The bulls were nicely dressed. Some people had coloured they bulls with turmeric. They horns were freshly painted. They were really well dressed. After that they went running out of the village and on the road with their owners holding them. We were scared so we followed a safe distance behind. After that we went to some ones house. His bull had taken part in the Pola festival. The bull was sitting inside the house. He was eating fodder. There were more cows inside the house. There was also a calf.
If you want to make a craft click here
If you want to make a game ckick here

The spitting cobra

The spitting cobra is written by Gill Harvey.
It is one of my favorite books.
This is a story that happens in ancient Egypt. Isis and Hopi are the main characters. They were orphaned when crocodiles killed they parents. Then they were taken in by two dancers called Nefert and Paneb.
They are called to perform for the Pharaoh’s tomb builders who live in a town near the Valley of the Kings. There they discover that one of the tombs has gotten robbed. Will they be able to discover who robbed the tomb?
It is one of my favorite books. It gives a nice description of ancient Egypt. The story is very interesting and the mystery grips you like the coils of a snake.