Thursday, September 2, 2010

The bulls in our place

In my place there are beautiful bulls. These bulls have red horns and are white. There are called Khilare. And guess what? These bulls horns are sometimes painted blue or yellow. They are used in the fields to plough the land.
Every year in July there is a festival called Pola festival. It is a festival to thank the bulls for ploughing the fields. It is monsoon so it is the time the bulls have to plough the fields. I and my mother went to this festival last year. The bulls were nicely dressed. Some people had coloured they bulls with turmeric. They horns were freshly painted. They were really well dressed. After that they went running out of the village and on the road with their owners holding them. We were scared so we followed a safe distance behind. After that we went to some ones house. His bull had taken part in the Pola festival. The bull was sitting inside the house. He was eating fodder. There were more cows inside the house. There was also a calf.
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