Saturday, July 31, 2010

Squirrel craft

Cut out the shape of a squirrel in colored paper. Then cut out thin strips of colored paper. Then roll the strips of paper up and stick them on the squirrel’s tail. That way its tail will be bushy.
Now glue the squirrel to another paper that will make the background.
Now your squirrel's is ready.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Malabar giant squirrel

We often go for walk in a forest called Guregar in Panchgani-Mahabaleshwer plateau. In Guregar there are Langurs, snakes and deers. But the sight I like most is of the Malabar giant squirrel. It is a redish brown squirrel [fox color]. The Malabar giant squirrel lives in the Western Ghats of India.
It is the state animal of Maharashtra.

Please have a look at the craft

The Langur monkeys

The Langur monkeys live in the forest but sometimes they come to our house. They have black faces and grey fur. That is why it is easy to recognize them. These monkeys live in groups. Each group of monkeys has a lead monkey. When there is danger the lead monkey makes a call sounding like boo.
Often me and my mother go for walks in a forest in Pancgani-Mahabaleshwar Plateau. There we saw a huge lead Langur. He was sitting on a rock just like a human and he wasn’t scared of us. Then he jamp onto a tree branch that was thin and wobbly. We hoped the tree branch would not break because then the monkey would get angry and may attack us. But we escaped.
For Hindu’s the Langur monkey is sacred because Hanuman was a Langur.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Test your knowledge on Egypt

1. What are Egyptian houses made of?

2. How many different types of bread are in Egypt?

3. What were the cloths of Egyptians made of?

4. Tell us four occupations of ancient Egypt?

5. Which god gave the Egyptians the gift of writing mathematics and medicine?

6. Who is the goddess of healing and mother hood?

7. Who is the god of chaos and muddles?

My lap book on Egypt

I made a lap book on Egypt for my studies. In my lap book I said about the Nile river, the foods, the clothing, the Egyptian houses, the furniture, the transports, the gods and goddesses of Egypt, the occupations, the pharaohs, the pyramids, the mummies and the pyramids.
Here is some of the information I put in my lap book.
1. Because of the hot climate Egyptians wear lose fitting cloths made out of linen. Often cloths were not worn indoors. Slaves, laborers and children went naked.

2. Egyptian houses are made out of mud bricks.

3. Egyptians have forty different types of breads. Poor people eat bread a few lentils and beer. Rich people eat meat, vegetables, fruits and spices for taste.

4. In Egypt there are different types of occupations. Potters, artists, weavers, ship builders, scribes and traders.

5. Egyptian houses had very less furniture. Even the houses of rich people had very less furniture. Houses in Egypt had a few stools, floor mats, chairs and small tables.

Here you come to know about Egyptian gods and goddesses
1. Seth god of chaos and muddles.

2. Thoth gave the Egyptians the gift of writing, mathematics and medicine. He is the god of moon.

3. Bes was one of the Egyptians favorite god. He brings good luck to the families and protects the house hold.

4. Isis goddess of healing and mother hood.

5. Osiris is the god of the underwold.

6. Bastet is a cat goddess. She is shown as a cat or as a women with a cats head.
Please have a look at the quiz

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Test your knowledge on Demeter

1. Who are Demeter’s parents?

2. What does Demeter mean?

3. Who pulls Demeter’s chariot?

4. Who is Demeter’s daughter?

5. What is the sacred bird of Demeter?

6. Who are Demeter’s five siblings?

Greek mythology classes

We had a Greek mythology class with the homeschoolers. It was made by Idania aunty.
At the first day of the class we had to pick a character of Greek mythology.
At the other classes we had to get some information about the character we chose. And at the last class we had to make a presentation about our character.

The character I chose was Demeter. She is the goddess of harvest, corn and grain. For the presentation day I made a scroll on Demeter. In the scroll I wrote down some information on Demeter and I also made a story on her.
Here is some of the information on Demeter which I put on my scroll.
Demeter: Goddess of harvest, agriculture and fertility.
Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She is the Mother of Persephone. Demeter has five siblings Hestia, Hera, Zues, Poseidon and Hades. They all play important roles in Greek mythology.
Demeter’s symbols:
Pigs and snakes are sacred animals. Demeter’s chariot is pulled by two winged serpents. The screech owl is a sacred bird.
What does Demeter mean? De means earth Meter means mother.

In each class we made a craft: a Greek mythology cube, a phoenix, a Trojan horse and Greek pancakes and dress up.
Please have a look at the quiz

My rescued cat

I have a cat named Kittu. I had rescued him when he was small.

A crow attacked him when he was a tiny kitten. The crow had given him two bad wounds on his sides. A boy brought him to us. After that we took care of him.

At first he didn’t drink any milk. He could just crawl on his belly. But at the end of the day he drank some milk. After that he got better.

After that we got some medicine and treated his wounds.

Now he is a full grown and healthy cat.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My new kitten

I got a cute little kitten. She is pure milky white. I got her on 4th Sunday 4 July 2010. I named her Fluff.
Fluff has one blue eye and one green eye. It is said that white cats with blue eyes can be deaf. And cats with one blue eye and one green eye can be deaf on the blue eyed side. I hope she is not deaf on the blue eyed side.
At first when I got her, she didn’t eat. She was homesick. But now she is fine.