Sunday, July 25, 2010

My lap book on Egypt

I made a lap book on Egypt for my studies. In my lap book I said about the Nile river, the foods, the clothing, the Egyptian houses, the furniture, the transports, the gods and goddesses of Egypt, the occupations, the pharaohs, the pyramids, the mummies and the pyramids.
Here is some of the information I put in my lap book.
1. Because of the hot climate Egyptians wear lose fitting cloths made out of linen. Often cloths were not worn indoors. Slaves, laborers and children went naked.

2. Egyptian houses are made out of mud bricks.

3. Egyptians have forty different types of breads. Poor people eat bread a few lentils and beer. Rich people eat meat, vegetables, fruits and spices for taste.

4. In Egypt there are different types of occupations. Potters, artists, weavers, ship builders, scribes and traders.

5. Egyptian houses had very less furniture. Even the houses of rich people had very less furniture. Houses in Egypt had a few stools, floor mats, chairs and small tables.

Here you come to know about Egyptian gods and goddesses
1. Seth god of chaos and muddles.

2. Thoth gave the Egyptians the gift of writing, mathematics and medicine. He is the god of moon.

3. Bes was one of the Egyptians favorite god. He brings good luck to the families and protects the house hold.

4. Isis goddess of healing and mother hood.

5. Osiris is the god of the underwold.

6. Bastet is a cat goddess. She is shown as a cat or as a women with a cats head.
Please have a look at the quiz

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sanyukta! this is Idania Aunty...I love your egyptian lapbook! I also have enjoyed looking at your blog. Your Cats are very pretty. I can't wait to see you when we do our next class. I look forward to seeing more on your blog too! See you soon!
