Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Greek mythology classes

We had a Greek mythology class with the homeschoolers. It was made by Idania aunty.
At the first day of the class we had to pick a character of Greek mythology.
At the other classes we had to get some information about the character we chose. And at the last class we had to make a presentation about our character.

The character I chose was Demeter. She is the goddess of harvest, corn and grain. For the presentation day I made a scroll on Demeter. In the scroll I wrote down some information on Demeter and I also made a story on her.
Here is some of the information on Demeter which I put on my scroll.
Demeter: Goddess of harvest, agriculture and fertility.
Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She is the Mother of Persephone. Demeter has five siblings Hestia, Hera, Zues, Poseidon and Hades. They all play important roles in Greek mythology.
Demeter’s symbols:
Pigs and snakes are sacred animals. Demeter’s chariot is pulled by two winged serpents. The screech owl is a sacred bird.
What does Demeter mean? De means earth Meter means mother.

In each class we made a craft: a Greek mythology cube, a phoenix, a Trojan horse and Greek pancakes and dress up.
Please have a look at the quiz

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