Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Langur monkeys

The Langur monkeys live in the forest but sometimes they come to our house. They have black faces and grey fur. That is why it is easy to recognize them. These monkeys live in groups. Each group of monkeys has a lead monkey. When there is danger the lead monkey makes a call sounding like boo.
Often me and my mother go for walks in a forest in Pancgani-Mahabaleshwar Plateau. There we saw a huge lead Langur. He was sitting on a rock just like a human and he wasn’t scared of us. Then he jamp onto a tree branch that was thin and wobbly. We hoped the tree branch would not break because then the monkey would get angry and may attack us. But we escaped.
For Hindu’s the Langur monkey is sacred because Hanuman was a Langur.

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