Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The cobra

I and my mother go for nature walks every day.
One day on the nature walk I spotted a piece of bark lying on the middle of the path. As I came closer I discovered that it wasn’t a piece of bark but a cobra. I said “snake snake”. The cobra turned and slithered away fast. My mother had just enough time to see it.
Its body was so thick and big. The cobra was so large.
That day other people had also spotted it.

1. Cobras eat fish, frogs, toads, chicks and eggs. They also eat small mammals.

2. Cobras live for twenty years or more in the wild.

3. Cobras are at the top of the food chain. They have only two natural predators. Mongoose and man.

4. Cobras are venomous but there are not poisonous. They have venom in there sacs, but the rest of the cobra’s body is safe to eat.

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